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すべての問題にチャレンジ!(57/92) | 英単語の歴史 | リベラルアーツ英語検定クイズ

リベラルアーツ英語検定クイズ英単語の歴史 > すべての問題にチャレンジ!(57/92)

meat はどこから来た語ですか?






Oure forme fader hit [blysse] con forfete / thurӡ an apple that he vpon con byte / Al wer we dampned for that mete ((?c1380) Pearl 641) (=our first father forfeited it for an apple which he tasted and all of us were damned for the food)

At mete wel ytaught was she with alle ((c1390) Chaucer The Canterbury Tales General Prologue 127) (=she was well trained at food as well)「また彼女は食事(作法)にも熟達していた」

It is meat and drink to me to see a clown. ((1600) Shakespeare As You Like It 5.1.10)「田舎者に会うのはおれにとってはご馳走だ」(meat = food; clown = country yokel) [ここで「ご馳走」とは食べ物と飲み物を指す]

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